What your tattoos say about you

Beyond some basic clichés about tattoos such as the infamous “tramp stamp” expression and other more or less socially acceptable tattoo zones, what do your tattoos actually say about you? For one, it’s true that nowadays, tattoos are less frowned upon now than they used to be in the past. Tattoos are everywhere, in magazines, down runways, on the small and big screen, sported by celebrities and famous CEOs alike.

Meditating in public transportation?

Meditation is almost on everyone’s minds these days. With stressful lives and a not so reassuring world, more and more of us are coming to terms with the fact that the solution to our well being isn’t necessarily going to come externally but rather internally. What if we could be the architects of our own happiness, or at least of our own welfare? This is one of the promises of meditation, even in its popularized acception.

Food craving facts

Food cravings are the subject of many studies, both scientific and psychological. The thing is, especially in this day and age, we, as human beings, like to have the sense that we are in control, in control of our own destiny, in control of our mind, in control of our body. As a result, we just can’t stand, for instance, the idea of food cravings taking control of our mind (when all we can think about all day is food), and sometimes even of our behavior (when we give in to those dreaded cravings).


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5 reasons why surfing is so addictive
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Why we watch cat videos?
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